LFRI offers free download of documents of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Course Materials Research Project

Bussum, the Netherlands, 18 October 2005.
In order to assist TCM students even further, we have decided to release the documents of the LFRI Chinese Herbal Medicine - Formula Study Guide as part of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Course Materials Research Project (CHM-CMR) for free for personal use only.
Hereby expanding our effort in supporting the TCM community. More documents will be released over the next months. Please see our Education page.


LFRI offers free download of documents of the TCM Foundations Course Module Research Project

Bussum, the Netherlands, 18 September 2005.
In order to assist TCM students even further, we have decided to release the documents of the LFRI TCM Foundations Course Module Research Project for free for personal use only.
Hereby expanding our effort in supporting the TCM community. More documents will be released over the next months. Please see our Education page.


LFRI launches The Future of TCM project

Bussum, the Netherlands, 06 September 2005.
LFRI launches The Future of TCM project. This project will focus on how TCM will look in the future when using science and new technologies in order to make TCM more effective, accessable and measurable.

According to LFRI director Kris Oosting: "Many research projects in China focus on how to improve herbal medicine and acupuncture. For example by using them for the treatment of new diseases. Western research is often just limited to trying to prove (again) if acupuncture really works.
At LFRI we take a different approach. What can western technology and science contribute in order to make TCM more effective, accessable and measurable. For example, the use of Expert Systems, nonlinear dynamics, complex mathematics, virtual reality, etc., but also the use of quality concepts like Goal-Question-Metric.
This project enables us to think 'outside the box' and not be bound by ideas of what is or is not possible. TCM has a future. I have no doubt about that. But it does not harm to be creative about it.
However it is important that we do not lose our mission: ...as a way to control, and cure disease and to preserve the quality of life."

The following weeks more information of this unique project will become available on this web site.


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