This page contains articles, papers and study materials about TCM fundamentals, acupuncture and herbal medicine for students as well as practitioners.
Because many students cannot afford expensive products a collection of our study materials will be offered for free. As a return favor we would like students, practitioners and teachers to send us suggestions for improving the materials, as well as mentioning LFRI as the source of the materials. Often hundreds of hours are spent in making them.
TCM relies on relationships, metaphors, associations, and a functional approach. This is reflected in our materials.
We hope that our materials may become a valuable source of knowledge to support your study.
Reference & Study Materials
This section contains miscelleneous materials from our research and study projects. These materials are free and for personal use only. Please do not copy these files to your own web site.
We do our best to post new materials regularly.
Last update: 27 December 2012.
For Qing-Bai BVO Students: download this.
Every subject has its own page with materials. Please select the subject of your interest below.
Note: Neither LFRI nor the authors will be liable for any loss or damage of any nature occasioned to or suffered by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of reliance on the material contained in above publications.
Do you have to read and remember a lot?
The Speed Reading Book
Tony Buzan
BBC, 2005
ISBN 0-563-48702-X.
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Nice to have
Research Made Easy in
Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Mark Cane
Churchill Livingstone
ISBN 0-443-07033-4. |